Digital Marketing : Step-by-Step Guide (2021)

Digital Marketing - Social Media Icons

#Web Presence and Digital Marketing:-

- Person , company or anyone represents himself on social media pages or platforms ,
that is nothing but the "Web Presence " .

- Action which connects brands to consumers via facebook, whats app, instagram , twitter..etc. Social media platforms is called as "Digital Marketing".

# Resource Constrain Model:-
- if your website is Responsive and adaptive website ,
 Meaning: Website adapts itself according to screen size.
                 : User experience is maintained.

#Types of Mobile Applications:-

1) Native App:-
- It is coded in specific programming language.
- High quality and fast performance.
- Uses our device camera , GPS...

2) Mobile Web App:-
- App in which website is opened.
- Website looks like native app.

3) Hybrid App:-
- Part Native - Part Web
- Some less features than native app.
- Available on google play.

1) ( This is a website)
2) (This is a mobile website.)

* How to Create a Blogger Account and Blog? :-

- To Create a blogger account , just go to 
- Click on " Create new blog"
- Use Gmail account to activate your blogger account.
- Your blogger account is created.
* Write a Blog:-
- Give "title" to your blog.
   ex:- Digital Career
- Select proper address.
- Select theme.
- Then start writing your blogs.

Note:- 1)Choose a Topic with high demand in market and of your interest.
            2) Try to make one blog daily.

            3) Try to be regular in writing blog with high quality information.
            4) Be aware of Copyright.

*Create GA account and Link with Blogger Account:-
- GA stands for Google Analytics.
- To create GA account , search google analytics at google search engine. Or go to
- create new GA account by using Gmail .
- Generate Tracking ID for your blog.
- Copy the tracking ID.
Link GA To Blogger Account:-

- Go to blogger Account setting
- click on "other"
- click on "GA id"
- Paste the id copied from GA account.

Voila!!! You have successfully linked GA with your Blogger Account.

*Note:- It is compulsory to link your account.
             Do practical and place your difficulties in Comment Section.

# Digital Marketing # Digital Career.

# Structure of Google Analytics(GA) :-

1) User:-
- The person which holds the google analytics account. or Gmail Account.

2) Account:-
 - This can be Personal or business account.
 - A User can have/ access 100 Accounts.

3) Property:-
- It is nothing but the websites or apps.
- A user  can have access to 50 such websites or Properties within a single account.
- That means 50 properties per account.

4) View:-
- It is filtered access to data.
- That means user can give access to particular data of site to particular person.
- If we have to give access to particular data to particular person , we can.
- 25 per properties.

# Key Matrics in GA:-
 - When you go to Admin section of GA account , you find some key matrics like,

1) User:-
- This shows number of users visited your website.
- Analytics uses " ∝(alpha) numeric id " also called as "Cookie" to identify the user.( That means User is new or old)
- Cookie resides in browser of User.
NOTE:- If same user uses Two Browser and visits the same website by different browsers then " 2 Users are Counted".

2) Session:-
- This means the number of time the website was visited.
- User -------page request to-------> web server
      And then Web server , serves the requested page to User.
- Session duration = Average time to session                                            lasts.
- If user just opens the site and keep it opened without any activity, then session lasts after 30 minutes.

3)Page View:-
- Numbers of pages viewed of a website.

4) Unique Page View:-
- Some pages of website are viewed by refreshing the page again and again but it is considered as One Unique Page View.

#Bounce and Bounce Rate:-
- If a user quits the website without clicking on any link of site , any page of website.

- Bounce rate=Number of session with                                         one page view
                            -------------------- ×100
                       Total Number of sessions.

- High Bounce rate means lack of   Engagement.

- Example:- Let a User visits a site,,
                           Monday:- Page A, Page B
                           Tuesday:- Page A, Exit.
                  Bounce= 1 , Total Sessions= 2
                  Bounce Rate= (1/2)×100= 50%.

# Digital Marketing # Digital Career.

# Standard Reports in Google Analytics:-

1) Real Time Reports:
- It gives live count of users.
- It shows Source of User
   ex:- Direct ( From website URL)

2) Audience Report:-
- It shows Language, location , Interest ,Demographics of the user.
*Interest:-  a) Affinity Category:-
                           - Just looking at product.

                    b) In market segment:-
                           -  Want to buy the product.

3) Acquisition Reports:-
- It shows ,How users are coming to your website?
   ex:- Paid or Organic way
           Social media
           Direct (Website URL).
- We can find out, How effective our marketing Campaigns are?
- We come to know about Keywords that users searched to come on our website.

4) Behaviour Report:-
- It tells about Flow of User on our website.
    Meaning:- Landing page of User - At what the user looked - At what page user left.
- Helps to fix High Bounce Rate.
- Helps to fix technical Issues.
- Ideally average speed load time of page is less than 2 seconds.

5) Conversion Report:-
- We come to know that How many of users have filled the form, signed up , downloaded something , Purchased the product.

#Email Marketing:-
- It is nothing but the sending commercial messages to groups via email.

* Why Email Marketing?
- It is cheap source of marketing with better ROI ( Return of Investment )

- We can deliver target message to targeted audience.

- It has Global Reach.

* Facts:-
- 3.7 billion email accounts are already created.

- Approx. 250 Billion mails get exchanged(send-received) per day.

- 86% Professionals made Email Marketing as their favourite mode of Communication.

- 47% of mails are checked /opened on mobile.

- But 50% of emails are marked as Spam.

# Steps In Email Marketing:-

a) Acquire a database of email Ids.
- This can be done by providing value to the customer so that they will sign up, subscribe to your site and you will get organic email list.
( Do not purchase email list).

b) segment the database:-
       By demographics( age , gender..)
       By location
       By state of customer
       ( Cold/Warm/Hot)

c) Sign up for email service provider 
Ex:- MailChimp , Amazon Email Service, Aweber.

d) Create a campaign with creative content.

e) Select your list and send emails.

# Creating a Campaign ( MailChimp):-
Go to ""
- Sign Up for free with Email, Username, Password
- Then Login in MailChimp.
- Go to " Create Audience"
   Put your details here:-
  1) Audience Name:- 
      ex: Blog Subscriber.
  2) Default from Email Address:- 
  3) Default from Name:-
       ex:- Sahil Shaikh.
  4) Remind When they signed up:-
       ex:- My blogger site.
  5) Company Name:- 
       ex:- sahidigitalcareer
  And SAVE it.

- Go to " Add Contacts" and then to Add Subscribers ( Receiver : Person who will receive mail)
- Put Email address, First Name , Last Name, Country of receiver.
- Click on " Subscribe " Button.
- Repeat this action to create your Mail List.

- Now Go to" Create" and then to Email Campaign.
- Add Campaign Name. ex: A1
- Add Recipient :- Choose Audience Name( Group to whom mail is to be sent)
- Write Subject:- 
  ex:- Digital Marketing.
- Design your mail by selecting perfect template from mailchimp.
- Write Content and save it.
- Check all the things again and Click on
" Send".
Voila!! You are done with Email Marketing.

# You can go to Reports in mailchimp and check the open rate and click rate of your Email Campaign

* Note:- Kindly Perform the practical to learn perfect.

# A/ B Testing for Emails:-
- Create two ( A and B) email content for a same campaign.
- Send A to some of your Audience and B to others.
- Check the response for both the contents and select the perfect content for Marketing.
- You can go to mail campaign in mailchimp and then to A/B testing to perform the same.

# Inbound and Content Marketing:-
- Attracting people or potential customers by showing Content.

- Getting found by right set of customers.

- We can place our content on right website from where our desired customer will come.

# Difference between Traditional and Inbound Marketing:

A) Traditional Marketing:-
- It is marketer focused that means Marketer will decide on which channel we have to show the Ad.

- It is "Push" type :- even Customer watching TV is not interested in that Ad , he/she has to watch the Ad.

- It is Obstructive.( suddenly Ad comes in between video)

- May be not relevant.

b) Inbound Marketing:-
- It is Customer focused that means Customer will decide where to to go and when to go on website.

- "Pull" type means it is need of customer.

- Non Obstructive.

- Relevant.

# Inbound Marketing Framework:-

a) A "stranger"( Cold Customer) comes to your site because he/she get attracted to your site by blogs, Keywords, Social Media.

b) Now that Stranger is converted into "Visitor" ( Warm Customer) And you as marketer have to Convert visitor into "Leads".
This can be possible by putting forms, Call to action , on landing page.

c) By providing value in the form of your original product that you want to sell via Email, Ebooks , workflows , physically, You can sell and your potential customer is now your "Dream Client "( Hot Customer)

d) These dream client can be converted into promoters by giving them value, Tickets, Coupons , Knowledge base feedback.

# Buyers Persona:-
- It is semi fictional representation of your ideal customer ( Dream Client).

a) Buyers Persona:- 
Vijay Shukla.
b) Background:-
He have high expectations from himself , struggling to meet his goals.
c) Demographics:-
Belongs to Urban Area , Graduate.
d) Goals:-
To be famous YouTuber.
e) Challenges:-
Do not know how to grow.
f) How we can help:-
We can provide complete guidance via our video course .

* Buyers Journey:-
- Process that buyers undergoes before buying anything.

- It includes : 1) Awareness.
                       2) Consideration.
                       3) Decision.

# Content Marketing:-
- Content is required to make customer aware about what he want to purchase.

- Content is required to make you( Marketer) in consideration.

- Content is required to decide your product.

- Content + Context = Inbound 

Vijay Shukla.
a) Awareness:- 
   You can write blogs on "how to build videos on YouTube to earn money"?
b) Consideration:-
  You can make content on "How to become YouTuber"? Taking your product into consideration.
c) Decision:-
   Show Features of yor product to the Customer so that he/ she will buy your product.

# Mobile Marketing:-
*Note:- To learn this practically you must complete Google Ads ( Online Advertising ) Course.

#Why Mobile Marketing:-
- Majority of web traffic is from mobile .
  Globally 53% web traffic is from mobile.
  In Asia 65% web traffic is from mobile.

- 3.7 Billion peoples are on mobile devices.

- A user spend more than 3 hours in a day on mobile for non calling work.

- Users are always on , in hand experience.

- Some challenges are there and those are like small screen size , slow internet speed , short attention span.

# Search Ads on mobile devices:-

1) Call Only Ads:-
- Ads are shown only on mobile.

- Headline contains mobile number with name of company.

- Website link is not clickable.

- Once a user click on Ad, Call goes and business is charged.

a)Go to google Ads Account

b) Click on overview and select Search campaign which is already created.( Google Ad Course)

c) Go to Ads and extensions on LHS.

d) Select call only Ads and create the Ad.

2) Call Extensions:-
- Mobile Number does not appears in Header but it appears in Extension.

- User can chose call or can visit Website .
a)Go to google Ads Account

b) Click on overview and select Search campaign which is already created.( Google Ad Course)

c) Go to Ads and extensions on LHS.

d) Click on Extensions and create the Ad.

3) Mobile Only Ads:-
- Go to Google Ads Account

- Click on Devices on LHS.

- Adjust the bid for Computers as -100%.

- And Ad will shown on only mobile devices.

# Diving App Installs:-
( Universal App Campaign)

- To create Ad for App install, Go to google Ad account,

- Create new Campaign

- Select Create new campaign without any goal guidance.

- Click on Universal App 

- Select Android/ iOS , Type the Name of your App which is to be marketed.

- Put the Campaign name with 4 Ad text ideas.

-Then select Location , Language of your choice.

- Select Campaign Optimisation as Install Volume.

- Select Budget and Bidding as Cost per Install.

- Put Start date and End date of Ad Campaign.

- Click on Save and Continue Button.

(Note:-Untill you will not put your billing details your Ad will not run.)


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